2012-2018 Volkswagen / 4-Button Flip Key / PN: 5KO837202AD / NBGFS93N / MQB / 314 MHz (AFTERMARKET) For Cheap
- Description
2012-2018 Volkswagen / 4-Button Flip Key / PN: 5KO837202AD / NBGFS93N / MQB / 314 MHz (AFTERMARKET)
- Brand New Aftermarket Replacement For:
- IC: 2694A-FS93N
- Frequency: 314 MHz
- Chip: MQB
- Battery: CR2032
- Buttons: Lock, Unlock, Trunk, Panic (On Side)
- Aftermarket Flip Blade Included: FKB-VW-66
- Test Key: HU66
- Replaces PN: 5KO837202AD
- Manufacturer: KeylessFactory
Compatible with the following:
- 2017-2018 Volkswagen Jetta ( Non Prox )
- 2012-2018 Volkswagen Tiguan ( Non Prox )
- 2017- 2018 Volkswagen Passat ( Non Prox )
NOTE: The OEM version of this key has the chip integrated into the board. This Aftermarket version has a separate chip and a separate board so you will have to program both the chip and the board.